Dance études to social grotesque
Dance études to social grotesque

Society as machinery. It revolves for ever but the artist never rests. Mechanisms and patterns, mutual power impulses and learnt reflexes. We start off from a broad spectrum of systems of relations to arrive at the smallest details. Systems of power, powerful small trifles. Realist situations are disturbed by absurd happenings and they begin to turn back the cog-wheels. Characters stuck in roles play their own lives, albeit narrowed down to the smallest space: who is left alone with whom?
The performance presents everyday situations with the means of dance and grotesque. Constant rearrangement keeps the stories in motion. An unreal community locked in itself can be seen, where anything can happen. It is familiar and yet not.
Now, it is the same as ever.
It’s high time that.
It’s high time that.
(Dezső Tandori: The Road to Damascus)

Director, choreographer
Beatrix Simkó
Beatrix Simkó
Dramaturg, writer
Réka Ágnes Tóth
Réka Ágnes Tóth
Stage and costume design
Dániel Dömölky
Dániel Dömölky
Flóra Lili Matisz
Flóra Lili Matisz
Attila Horváth
Péter Janicsek
Tímea Laza
Zita Thury
Máté Váth
Attila Horváth
Péter Janicsek
Tímea Laza
Zita Thury
Máté Váth
Assistant producer
Brigitta Kovács
Brigitta Kovács
Assistant director
Zsuzsa Laczó
Zsuzsa Laczó
Csokonai Theatre Debrecen
Csokonai Theatre Debrecen
28 February 2020
28 February 2020
photos: Daniel Dömölky