Nominated for Rudolf Lábán Award 2018
The concept of Circul8 was inspired by Samuel Beckett’s pieces without text. I was searching for certain movement schemas and patterns in order to reduce them and vary with different characters moving through the space.
Through repetition and highly constructed movements the goal was to find new structures which built on everyday gestures resulting in a conceptual dance vocabulary.
Repetition is a recurrent element in my recent works – this time I was interested in working with multiple dancers to observe the connections and links created by the choreography. Beyond my attention to the strict structure of choreography I was seeking for a diverse movement language, which’ve drawn a lot from everyday gestures yet built up a contemporary dance piece.

Beatrix Simkó
Beatrix Simkó
Live Music
Levente Boros
Levente Boros
Visual design
Daniel Dömölky
Daniel Dömölky
Dancers in order of appearance
László Mádi, Mariann Hargitai, Csaba Mátyás Nagy, Bettina Dunai, Ivanov Gábor/Csongor Füzesi, Adrienn Horváth, Péter Kovács, Zsanett Jakab
László Mádi, Mariann Hargitai, Csaba Mátyás Nagy, Bettina Dunai, Ivanov Gábor/Csongor Füzesi, Adrienn Horváth, Péter Kovács, Zsanett Jakab
Zoltán Fogarasi
Zoltán Fogarasi
The performance was created and performed in collaboration with Central Europe Dance Theatre and Bethlen Theatre within the frame of Youth Choreographers Forum in 2017.